
在阅读盖雷(C.M.Gayley)的《英美文学和艺术中的古典神话》(Classic myths in English literature and in art)时遇到了两首英文诗,看样子是译者自己翻译的,因为其他的译文都会标注参考文献。觉得这两首诗中某些句子的翻译有问题,不知道我自己是否理解正确了,如下

His lips,more red than any rose,
Were like a flower that overflows
With honey pure and sweet;
And clustering round that holy mouth,
The golden bees in eager drouth
Plied busy wings and feet;
They knew,what every lover knows,
There’s no such honey-bloom that blows.


The golden apple, the golden apple, the hallowed fruit,
Guard it well, guard it warily,
Singing airily,
Standing about the charmed root.
Round about all is mute,
As the snowfield on the mountain-peaks,
As the sandfield at the mountain-foot.
Crocodiles in briny creeks
Sleep and stir not: all is mute.
If ye sing not, if ye make false measure,
We shall lose eternal pleasure,
Worth eternal want of rest.
Laugh not loudly: watch the pleasure
Of the wisdom of the West.



6 comments so far

  1. 黑三 十一月 7, 2005 10:35 下午


  2. darktemplar 十一月 7, 2005 11:05 下午


  3. 黑三 十一月 8, 2005 3:16 下午


  4. 葡萄唐 十一月 8, 2005 7:12 下午


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