
In the late 1970s, Chairman Mao said to Henry Kissinger:

God has sent me an invitation.

For us, we all know that it means that he was referring his death. However, three years later, when Mao said the same thing to Gerald Ford, Ford did not get the point and cheerily told Mao:

I hope you get your invitation soon!’

Source: http://www.carnegieendowment.org/publications/index.cfm?fa=view&id=257

3 comments so far

  1. rainbowrain 二月 19, 2008 3:27 上午

    飚头 勤快点

  2. hghg 二月 19, 2008 5:37 下午

    I fell really hot when reading it….

  3. […] Darktemplar是个好人,每篇文章都通俗易懂。他归纳了一个Bourne迷应该做的几件(破)事,我倒是老老实实看了几遍三部曲,可到现在都没有完全理清头绪。然后赞扬了我不认识的一个踢球的小子真不错,继而发了一则英语冷笑话。最后利用Google Earth看全球植被变化情况,提出一个相当专业的问题:怎么New Orleans周围的海边这么黄,没有什么植物吗?作为在New Orleans生活的新时代的突变型Geologist,回答这个很黄很暴力的问题当然得心应手:爱还无漏爱弟儿…… […]

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